Eyora Bar

Updates & Peeves

February 15, 2000

Uploaded a new set today called Star Jewel! And got a hold of an old friend yesterday. I love Yahoo!!!! See ya round!

January 31, 2000

Thank you Graphics Attic! I have added a few more sets! My holidays weren't too bad either. Something really cool is that this site has won an award!!! Yay! I am so happy! Thank you Graphics Attic! Nothing to new in my life really. Clean Clean Clean! Can say that here in western North Dakota the winter has been very mild. What do you love to do? I love to browse free graphics sites! I love to see what other people are making! And I love to experiment with graphics and use less filters. I like to know that I did that. You will see however that a few of the more recent sets were made using Blade Pro. Mainly just because it is so COOL. Happy Valentine's Day! (not for a few weeks but I doubt I'll write in here!)

December 15, 99

I can be so insensitive at times. My kid is just bugging me. I just don't feel like holding her right now. She wiggles and squirms and whines! I just want her to go away! Bad Mommy! I love my Angel girl, she just drives me nuts. There are a few new sets in the graphic section. No new stickers. I am getting tired and have to go to bed now. Merry Christmas!
-Dawn (who?)

November 17, 1999

Added another set just because. It is very special. Just remember that this is my website. If there is ever anything here that you don't like, you can always just leave. Flames will not be appreciated. Opinions on the other hand, non-hostile, are. Be warned, though, that any email received may be posted right here for all to see. Don't know what I am talking about? Check out my entrance page to the new set Singed Butterfly. Don't forget to read the poem that was inspired by the set and dedicated to my lil sis Laura.
Bye Bye

November 9,1999

Well well here I am. Was tired of this whole thing, have other projects going on and it is so frustrating. Will be upating soon. I love html, but with all I have to do it might be faster for me to "wys" out *sigh*. See ya round, Eyora.

October 24, 1999

So I haven't been updating in here lately! Sorry! I have 3 sets in Eyora free and 2 EYORA STICKERS (hidden somewhere in this site) so far. See, I have been working, just not on this page...

September 27, 1996

This is silly, but it peeves me! Plates. Yup! You are at a restaurant that has a buffet and your table is set with plates and silverware. You are halfway to the buffet, and the *smart* (ok, not!) person of the group notices your plate. She tells you: "Don't use those! They have plates up there!" And you go back and put the plate that now has to be washed anyway back on the table.
OR: You are in a restaurant for the buffet and you ask your waitress "Do we use these plates?" And *smart* person interupts the waitress, says no and proceeds to argue with the waitress! As if she works there!
Use the DAMN plates! That is what they are there for! The oval ones are for the salad bar! HMMM could that be why they're on the salad bar? Oh but the other ones aren't as big as those salad plates and you must get as much food as possible as fast as possible so you can stuff your face like a pig till you explode on the ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET! I wonder sometimes at just how stupid people can be! Listen to your waiter/waitress- they work there. Tell *smart* person to shove it. It's not polite to interupt. Now let's OINK!

September 24, 1999

From my handwritten journal:
"September 12,1999
11:26 Playing minesweeper. REALLY TIRED. Keep thinking that the 'ones' are Christians. -My kids call eyeballs eyepops.-
In junior high, it was ok to be Catholic, but not Christian. I was some sort of Jesus freak? --ones are walking all over me-- My Catholic friend dug into me the most. Duh. Catholic is Christian. Go figure."

Added a new page. Took me three tries to spell page. Ok it was four. Leave me alone! The new page is Ten Ways To Piss Off A Waitress. Notice that not tipping isn't on the list? Duh that's a no brainer. If you "stiff" a server (I really hate that term!) she ain't gonna be happy! Check it out! Now! Please?

September 13, 1999

I have added something very special to this site! Just click here to view it. Remember, every thing on this website is copyrighted! If you want something, just ask.

September 3, 1999

Love Me Nots

    Love me not, love me true,
    What else can I say to you?
    Be it tender, be it callous,
    Break my heart, set it lose.
    Like a puzzle or a child's riddle
    have I been unfair to YOU?
    He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not...
Not exactly what I was going for today on my 3rd wedding anniversary.
I was actually thinking of a little girl picking away at a daisy, dreaming, floating on clouds,
wondering if ever?
And now this little girl at heart wonders no longer...

.prev. .list. .random. .next.

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